20 January 2011

Preview to Surgery

Looks like the dr wants to run another test before the surgery. So they are going to schedule a discogram with my local hospital before I have the surgery. This test inserts dye into the disc to determine the severity of the injury. And he says he will determine what type of surgical intervention will be done from the results he gets.

17 January 2011

Possible Surgery

Here we go again! I've been having problems with my neck and left arm-hand just like I was having before last surgery. I went to my Dr. in Birmingham and he did xrays and an MRI and says there is significant changes in my neck from the last time he saw me a little over a year ago. So now it looks like I'll have to have surgery again. This time its C4 that is degenerated and maybe more but we've alreadt done C6 and C5.

02 January 2011

Better Late than Never

I've been so busy over the holidays that I haven't even posted anything here since the VA party. So here goes.I've been doing some sewing-a christening gown set for one of the girls that works with Matt, and some patches on the NG uniforms.Then we decided to have Christmas at my house so that meant I'd better decorate and start cooking. Well I got it all together in time for Christmas Eve. WHEW!
Took Matt, Krystle, and Alexis to Walmart for portrait session and bought the big set of photos. Alexis smiled great in all the poses and who could say no to that little angel.They were great! I got a set and the cd so I can print off whatever I want here. Needed some wallet sized prints as Krystle had given them to her family out of state, so I just pulled up the pose I wanted and printed them off.

09 December 2010


My heart hurts tonight! Matt and Krystle are talking about moving from Alabama to Indiana. We would rarely get to see them and we would miss alot of the baby growing up.I want them to do what is right for them but I really don't want to see them leave.

04 December 2010


It's time for the VA Christmas party again. This year its at the VFW in Birmingham. We have lots planned-tons of food-fried turkeys, hams,side dishes and ,of course, lots of desserts. Then we have a band hired and we will also have karaoke for those who can sing-not me!
After we get back from the party, Matt,Krystle and the baby are going to Indiana in our Jeep. We will have Matt's car to go, if we need to go somewhere. They will be gone for 4 daysand are due back next Wednesday.
We've got lots of coupons for portraits so I'm going to get Alexis's picture made for her 3 months old. And I'm hoping for a Santa picture too.
And its only 21 days til the big day and I haven't even started shopping yet. I do know what I'm getting everyone so maybe it won't be too bad.

25 November 2010


Well it was a little bit different this year. First, Daddy wasn't here (he died in February on my birthday).Second, Krystle and Matt decided to have it at their house. So I was left with making some dessert and some side dishes. We had way too much food there and ended up making plates for tomorrow, as we are too stuffed tonight for any more.Both Matt and Krystle have to work Black Friday and I donn't do the crazy shopping so I will be keeping the baby, Alexis, til they get home.

22 November 2010

Scrapbooking Again

I'm trying to get back into scrapping mode as Alexis is here and I need to get her book started before I fall too far behind. I've just signed up for a free class by Jessica Sprague called Inspiration Everywhere. A group of us on Scrap From Your Stash Cybercroppers are planning on taking the class together. You can feel free to join us at Jessica Sprague beginning on November 29 for the first class.